Monday, December 29, 2008
Earn a Residual Income on the Web
Study and learn the high qualify products or good programs in SFI Affiliate Center daily for FREE. For more information at
Take advantage of my Number One FREE Home Business Recommendation. Receive a FREE Internet Income Course ($295 Value) at:
Click Here
Friday, December 12, 2008
L@@K!!! The Brand New SFI Superstore Will Be Launched On Jan.5th
We received the following from SFI regarding the new Store and other changes effective 1/05/09.
An official launch date has now been finalized. ?The brand new SFI store will be unveiled at 11 AM CST on MONDAY, JANUARY 5TH. For the latest information on the store, including FAQs and many screenshots, see:
Also launching on January 5th will be an array of major, new SFI system enhancements, including:
- Dramatic simplification for getting started, becoming an EA, and more
- New training program for new affiliates
- Tons of new marketing and business-building aids
- More "internationalization"
- New and improved EyeEarn
- An improved compensation plan with five exciting new bonuses
- More incentives for becoming an EA and maintaining EA status
- More incentives for advancing through all the Team Leader ranks
- A more powerful and lucrative Executive Bonus
- Affiliate Center facelift (new, simpler navigation and menus, etc.)
Stay tuned for further updates and get ready for the new year and "SFI 3.0!"
This week's regular SFI newsletter is also now online for you at:
Have a great week, and have a wonderful holidays!
SFI Marketing Group
a division of Carson Services, Inc.
Serving Entrepreneurs Since 1985
5945 Cornhusker Hwy, Suite A
Lincoln, NE 68507 USA
Ph 402-434-8480, Fax 402-434-8483
- Questions? Do not reply directly to this email. Instead, go to: or try our 24-hour Help Desk at:
P.S. VERY IMPORTANT - The SFI Discussion Board contains a WEALTH of information and advice from SFI Affiliates around the world and with all levels of experience.
Sign up with us today!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
IAHBE Home Business Resources on the Web
International Association of Home Business Entrepreneur (IAHBE is short.) If you are like me with no experience or knowledge how to generate real profits online. You have discovered a right place to get started and take full advantage of home business resources we are offering at IAHBE.
What is the IAHBE? The IAHBE is an organization with lots of other tools and resources to help you set up, build, expand, and run a profitable business online. Home-based business owners at all levels of experience only the most pertinent timely, and vital information they need and crave for. And plus save you tons of time and effort in the long run!
An IAHBE membership is only $29.95/month (less than $1 a day) and includes a NO RISK, 30-day money-back guarantee. New members also receive OVER $1,000 in free business bonuses just for trying out the IAHBE. A wealth of valuable contents, tools, and resources to help you succeed.
For magazine lovers, IAHBE offers magazine-of-the-month with full one-year subscriptions to top magazines for entrepreneurs like Fast Company, INC, Working mother magazine, and more.
If it sounds good to you, then you should sign up for IAHBE Home business resources now because as an IAHBE membership, you will have immediate access to:
Your IAHBE subscription will be following:
*Timely reports from world-recognized experts in the marketing and home-business arena.
*Monthly audio seminars from top home-business entrepreneurs.
*New, exclusive articles on home-business topics that matter to you - you won't find this information anywhere else!
*Monthly Computer Q&As and Marketing Tidbits
*Free monthly Windows and Macintosh software for your home business.
*Exclusive monthly home-business book and tool reviews.
*Marketing aids for generating sales and profits.
*Monthly freebies and money-saving special offers from marketing experts.
*Subscriptions to top business magazines, such as Fast Company, Inc., Entrepreneur, etc.
*Free best-selling books that cover the home-business landscape from A to Z.
*Access to the IAHBE Web Resources directory for home-business owners.
*Motivational Thought of the Day.
*Free access to new exclusive interviews and advice from home-business owners who are now achieving their dreams.
PLUS...receive over $1,000 in free bonuses. When you register with IAHBE you will get started with a member orientation guide right away. You will find exclusive articles, 150 expert and exclusive business-building reports, audio tutorials, home-business e-books and marketing courses. For the SFI Affiliate—if you are not SFI member you will want register as SFI member for free..This section contains updated home business resources for the SFI Affiliate Program, including new Internet Income courses, advertising guides, and much more...
Lisa Zornoza is a hearing impaired wife, mother and home
business owner. Visit our IAHBE Home Business Resources
Building a solid, profitable home-business along the way!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sign Up Free See For Yourself!
One of the most powerful aspects of SFI's Compensation Plan is its crystal clear, 1-2-3 path to success:
1. Become an SFI Affiliate--Just sign!
2. Advance to Executive Affiliate (EA) status--Simply accumulate 10 SVP each month. You can do this through as little as one retail sale a month of a 10 SVP SFI product...or just purchase one of these quality products for yourself.
For immediate EA status, go
3. Become a Team Leader (TL): Get 10SVP for the month, plus just 5 personally sponsored Executive Affiliates.
For a rundown of the SFI Compensation Plan and its six possible revenue streams, see this page
Financial freedom awaits...and it's that simple.
For more information check here!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
New SFI Store is coming soon!
Click here:
Join Our Team
Monday, August 25, 2008
Book Of The Month
MAGAZINE OF THE MONTH: Shape—Edited to deliver useful techniques and an understanding of fitness. Top experts from diverse fields of exercise, nutrition, psychology and beauty join forces with nationally known journalists to make each issue a how-to manual for a healthful lifestyle. The U.S. price for Shape is $47.88 for a one-year subscription (10 issues). An IAHBE membership fee includes a one-year subscription!
Not an IAHBE member? Check out how you can benefit from an IAHBE membership, save up to 56% off top SFI products, AND collect over $1,000 in free business tools and specials!
Go here for more information:
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Gas Prices are going up and up....
This is how we are dealing with it...
Monday, July 14, 2008
Start protecting your health today!!
How common cleaning products could be a ticking time bomb in your home or office!
If your home or office is typical, it already has dozens of cleaning and personal care products that contain harmful chemicals. Recent studies have revealed that most households/offices contain over 63 hazardous products that together contain hundreds of chemicals. These chemicals have the potential to greatly harm or even kill your children, your pets and you, should they accidentally not be used with the utmost caution.
Could these tragedies happen in your home or office?
When little Jennifer Smith of Salt Lake City, UT was but a year old she crawled over to the dishwasher while her mother was unloading the dishes. She put her small finger in the detergent dispensing cup and ate a finger full of wet but un-dissolved commercial dish detergent. In minutes her face was red and blistered, the inside of her mouth and tongue were burned white. Luckily she was rushed to a nearby hospital emergency room for quick medical attention. She recovered in a few days.
Another documented case was a 20 month old boy who had to be fed through tubes for five months and suffered through many operations. Again, the culprit was dishwasher detergent.
This is only two of thousands of cases reflecting children ingesting and being exposed to, what most consider common household products, terrible life threatening consequences.
It is estimated that the U.S. Poison Control Center has nearly 1.5 million reported cases of accidental ingestion of poisons every year. Sadly most of these cases were under 12 years of age.
Have you ever wondered what the strong odor in the cleaners isle of your supermarket is?
Ingestion is only one of three major ways that these products enter the body. Inhalation is even for more dangerous because when breathed in these harmful chemicals go directly into the blood stream and can quickly affect the lungs, heart, brain liver and kidneys.
By the way, that strong smell in your supermarket cleaner isle is caused by what industry experts describe as "out gassing". Out gassing is the vapors escaping from the "sealed" containers on the supermarkets shelves. Which obviously are extremely harmful to your health.
Have you ever been literally driven out of your bathroom shower while using one of the most popular tile cleaners? These types of cleaners must contain strong chemicals in order to do the job. The job may get done but you are at risk from the strong vapors that are generated. By the time you have exited the bathroom the chemical vapors have entered your blood stream and are wrecking havoc with your health.
Where are your rubber gloves?
Do you know that one square centimeter of skin (the size of a dime) contains 3 million cells and 4 yards of nerves? How do you think nicotine and hormone replacement patches work? Do the chemicals somehow enter the body from the patch through the skin to do their work? Of course they do.
This same absorption occurs every time a cleaning product touches your skin. By the way, if your baby happens to crawl across your nicely scrubbed kitchen floor, even several days after, the skin will pick up and absorb whatever harmful chemicals happen to be in the cleaner.
Consumer Beware!
Why isn't the consumer informed and protected from the potentially dangerous chemicals contained in cleaning and personal care products?
The government has very limited power to regulate and require proper testing.- Products that kill 50% of lab animals can still get designated as "non-toxic".
- Of 17,000 household chemicals only about 5,100, or approximately 30%, have been adequately tested and less than 10% have been tested on the nervous system.
- No law requires manufactures to list the exact ingredients on the package label.
Veriuni All Natural Cleaners!
Just imagine your peace of mind if you never had to be concerned again about your family suffering from the misuse of harmful cleaning chemicals.
Veriuni's environmentally safe cleaning products provide a powerful answer to the harm that ingestion, inhalation and absorption of common household products. Veriuni's products combine all-natural ingredients and vigorous cleaning action for the ultimate in consumer safety and environmental health.
All-natural, gentle and powerful, Veriuni Cleaning Products use only citrus-based oils, as well as ingredients from corn and other replenish able materials. They contain no dyes, artificial fragrances, or pesticide residues. Even our packaging and labels are constructed solely from recycled materials.
The news is incredible, Veriuni's line of environmentally safe cleaning products work like no other cleansers on the market today. Consumers everywhere, including those at businesses, hospitals and schools are switching to environmentally, safe, effective cleaners to increase health among family members, clients and employees.
"Our company has been using the All Purpose Cleaner for over four years now. It has no hazardous chemicals and my employees love the fresh orange scent. Your cleaner is truly an all in one product that works on every surface in our bakery from floors, walls, equipment, counters, baking pans and dishes."B. Rooden
Just how good are these cleaners?
The Veriuni formula is used exclusively by the over 30 National Parks, a few which include Yellowstone, Grant Teton and Yosemite. The formula was also chosen by the City of Santa Monica after conducting tests for the most effective and environmentally safe cleansers for the city's cleaning needs. Warner Brothers and Fox Studios, the University Medical Center in Hackensack, NJ and world-famous resorts have also chosen these products to clean their facilities. And most recently, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is testing these same products for use on its fleet of air and water quality testing ships.
"The staff had high marks for this product which completely removed organic stains and all trace odors from carpet and upholstered furniture without emitting any noxious fumes or leaving any residues. No other product performed all of these tasks better."B. White
Now, Veriuni makes these safe products available to you, for use in both your home and your office. A powerful, effective and non-toxic alternative to traditional cleaners.
"The Bathroom Cleaner really does a good job on soap scum in the bathrooms. We have a number of children that come through our business on a daily basis. I wanted our cleaners to be safe for them and the environment. We chose your products because they have no hazardous ingredients. I don't want to dump that stuff into our septic system." K. Stevens
Start protecting your health today!!
Don't waste another minute. You owe it to yourself, your family, friends and employees to get the protection that Veriuni's safe and effective products provide. Access to these earth friendly products is so easy and convenient.
Fill your shopping basket with safe products. Get rid of all those harmful products forever and replace them with Veriuni.
Helpful Hint...we have made it very convenient for you to try eight of our most popular products. Order the handy Sample Pack and you'll receive eight, sixteen ounce bottles, of the safest, yet most effective cleaning products on the planet.
For more information click here
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Best of the Best Online Resources for Home Business Owners

Setting up a home business...but don't have the experience or knowledge you need to generate real profits?
Look no further...The IAHBE is YOUR time-saving ticket to a profit-driven focus.
Get instant EA-Qualifying 10 SVP and access to an ever-growing comprehensive, dynamic goldmine of only the best home-business tools, resources, advice, and more:
- Discover the simple (but often overlooked) tools you need to succeed in your home business.Learn the tricks of the trade for creating a Website that stands out from the crowd and (even better) generating massive customer traffic to it.
- Master the same, proven advertising and marketing techniques the experts use to create lucrative profits.
- Keep your business in profit "growth mode" with a steady stream of timely, updated profiles, tutorials, and how-to's.
- And much, much more!
You won't find a more powerful lineup of resources ANYWHERE else online or off. The IAHBE combines exclusive, members-only success techniques, money-making strategies, and more with the best of the best online resources, specials, and expert advice and tips.
An IAHBE membership is only $29.95/month (less than $1 a day) and includes a NO RISK, 30-day money-back guarantee. New members also receive OVER $1,000 in free business bonuses just for trying out the IAHBE.
Each IAHBE membership you sell to a retail customer is worth $19 in commissionable volume (CV) each and every month that customer remains a member. You'll also earn an EA-qualifying 10 SVP each month for your current personal membership and/or for each new or renewed retail membership.
To learn more about the IAHBE, please go to:
BONUS: You can save up to 56% off select SFI products by signing up for an IAHBE membership and becoming an EA today. For more information, see: Click Here!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Get FREE Traffic With A Top Ranking In Google!
Discover how EASY it can be to blast your website
to a top ranking in Google, and attract 1,000s of
qualified visitors to your site!
Learn the SAME secrets we used to beat 294 Million
competitors for a Top 5 listing in Google for 3 years
Get all the details in 4 online videos, a newsletter,
and private discussion forum -- all for just $2.95!
Visit here!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
SFI Products

SFI Products
To be a success a company must have a good product or service to sell - well SFI has a entire list of Great product you can sell and earn commission by selling. The best part is SFI provides all the tools to sell them on and off line.
Here are some of the products you can sell as an SFI affiliate:
Veriuni Natural Cleaning Products
Veriuni All-Purpose Cleaner
Veriuni Automatic Dishwashing Gel
Veriuni Glass and Window Cleaner
Veriuni Wellness/Nutrition Products:
Veriuni Advanced Weight Loss
Veriuni Advanced Whey Protein
Veriuni Antioxidant Plus with Grape Seed Extract
Veriuni Ginseng Energy!
Veriuni Thermo! Fat-Burner Formula
Telecommunication Products and Services
Veriuni FonVantage
Veriuni Wireless Service
Veriuni Dial-Up ISP Service
HomVantage Phone Service
Business Books
Ken Varga-How To Get Customers to Call, Buy & Beg for MORE!
Shawn Casey-Mining Gold On The Internet
Coffee & Tea Products
HerbaGreen Teas
SFI Magazine Subscriptions

SFI also has hundreds of magazines titles that you can either sell or purchase yourself for huge savings off the store price.
Magazine Subscription Categories:
Arts & Crafts
Business & Finance
Computers & Internet
Family & Parenting
Fashion & Style
General Interest
Health & Fitness
Hobbies & Interests
Home & Garden
Kid's Corner
Lifestyles & Cultures
Men's General
Music & Music Trades
News & Politics
Pets & Animals
Regional Interest
Science & Technology
Sports & Outdoors
Travel & Regional
Women's General
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Start Your Own Computer Work at Home Job!
I want talk to you about the possibility to earn extra income from home. I work at home full time on the Internet as a member of one of the most successful companies in Network (multi level) Marketing, based in United States of America "SFI Marketing Group."
We offer the most legitimate and lucrative free work at home job opportunity on the Internet to help you start your own computer work at home job and earn extra money on the Internet safely from the comfort of your own home! Do you want more time freedom, more income, and a secure future?
P.S. You'll miss a 100% of the shots you don't take. Take a shot and watch the movie! Check out:
P.S.S. We have a major promotion right now to make it even easier to get started. Check out: